
Here are a few key skills in my wheelhouse. See them in action below:


I help enforce human expression that follows a system of highly developed procedures in order to imbue objects, performances, and experiences with true significance whether it be through branding or marketing


I assist an organization with a systematic investigation into their business, their internal and external factors along with the study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. 


Laying down the fundamental framework of your organization, within which the management of the organization functions whether it be centralized, individual, or some combination of the two. 


Creating persuasive copies for Marketing and Sales with the goal of generating your business conversions and sales.

Social Media Marketing

I can use social media platforms and websites to promote your products or services running brand awareness campaigns and product campaigns that generate high-quality leads in turn achieving your revenue goals.

Strategic Marketing Management

Let me help you achieve your organizational goals by developing and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage by using strategies that move your brand forward.

Strategic Brand Management

I can use Strategic Brand Management to support your company in getting (or improving) brand recognition, boosting revenue, and achieving your long-term business goals.

Data-Driven Marketing

Let me help you achieve your organizational goals using Data-driven marketing and infrastructure by boosting your company’s ROI and sales through the vast amount of information that I can analyze about prospective customers and leads.

Web Design and Development

By possessing an array of creative, graphic, and technical skills, i can design the layout, usability, and visual appearance of your company website while building and maintaining its core structure.

Human Resource Management

I can use effective HRM to allow your organization to tackle human resource issues strategically. I can support in attracting and retaining competent employees, help the organization’s leaders and employees in adapting to organizational change, and enable the adoption of technology.

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